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Eye Supplements

Dr. Janot is pleased to recommend only the purest Omega 3 supplements from Physician Recommended Nutriceuticals, now in specially designed eye formulas:  De3 Dry Eye Omega Benefits, numaqula Omega-3,  numaqula vitamins (both for macular health & macular degeneration), and nuRetin (for diabetic retinopathy).  Dr. Janot is such a firm believer in the benefits of proper nutritional supplementation for the eyes, that, in addition to recommending these to his patients, he & his family take these themselves!

Here's why these supplements are far superior than store bought Omega 3's:

  • Natural Triglyceride Form for Maximum Absorption
  • Highly Purified and Concentrated
  • Molecularly distilled in a Pharmaceutically Licensed Facility
  • Independent Laboratory Tested for Quality and Purity


De3 Dry Eye Omega Benefits®De3 and liquid (002)

Natural relief for dry eyes

    PRN’s De3 Dry Eye Omega Benefits is a superior omega-3 product which is specifically formulated for occasional eye dryness and to provide the body with the essential nutrients it needs to produce a soothing, healthy, tear film.

    How it works

    Omega-3 deficient glands become inflamed and clogged which accelerates tear evaporation and dryness due to missing oil.  

    After an initial 90 days of proper Omega-3 nutrition, followed by long term use, healthy tear film is restored along with normalized oil glands. 


    Why it works

    PRN’s Dry Eye Omega Benefits products contain 2240mg of EPA/DHA in the re-esterified form (rTG). 

    • Significantly improves occasional dry eye discomforts such as grittiness, dryness, and burning*
    • Improves tear film quality, contributing to overall eye comfort and stable vision*
    • Ensures tears are healthy as part of creating a healthy surface for surgery
    • Provides critical nutrition to produce healthy, soothing tears
    • Can produce optimal levels of omega-3s in 90 days


    nūmaqula omega-3

    Numaqula Omega web (002)

    Maintain a healthy retina and macular region

    The retina is a light-sensitive layer that lines two-thirds of the back of your eye. Similar to the film in a camera, it is responsible for receiving light energy and converting this to visual signals before the optic nerve carries them to the brain. The macula, located in the central portion of your retina, is responsible for your central vision and the ability to see fine details. This vision-critical tissue can decline over time. Studies show that daily intake of Omega-3s (EPA and DHA), lutein and zeaxanthin help to protect the health of the macula before any signs of decline are visible.

    • 3 daily softgels contain the ingredients needed for patients requiring early macular support
    • Provides 1440mg of DHA and 400mg of EPA in a form that makes it easier to absorb
    • Should be taken daily on a long-term basis for maximum macular support


    nūmaqula vitamin®

    Numaqula Vitamin (002)

    Protect the health of the macula

    The macula, the vision-critical tissue in the back of the eye, can decline over time. Studies show that daily intake of the nutrients found in nūmaqula vitamin help protect the health of the macula for patients who require advanced macular support.

    nūmaqula vitamin offers distinct benefits over store-bought vitamins:

    • Vitamins, Antioxidants, Carotenoids. nūmaqula vitamin offers Lutein and Zeaxanthin, a full B-complex (B6, B9, B12) and Vitamin E in its full food-matrix for comprehensive eye health.
    • 3 daily caplets include the essential nutrition needed for patients requiring advanced macular support
    • Formulated based on AREDS2® recommendations (vitamins, antioxidants, and carotenoids) along with unique enhancements like B-Complex (specifically B6, B9 and B12) as shown in research to support the tissues of the eye, specifically in the retina.
    • Should be taken daily on a long-term basis for maximum macular support



    nūretin for Retina Health

    nuretin pills

    Diabetic Retinopathy is a serious health concern. 

    As many as 74% of people with diabetes could have difficulty digesting dietary fats including Omega-3s. Omega-3 fatty acids, especially DHA has been shown to protect against the progression of Diabetic Retinopathy.

    It has been shown in clinical studies that specially formulated Omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce the risk and slow the advancement of diabetic retinopathy.

    nūretin® is a specially formulated medical food that provides the right balance and dose of Omega-3 fatty acids in a highly absorbable form to ensure that you are able to restore Omega-3 fatty acids essential for protecting your eyesight.


    Our patients receive preferred pricing, saving money off of retail purchases!  To take advantage of our preferred pricing (and FREE shipping!) or, to just learn more, click the blue order button here.